Single brush holder design. Clips on to a flat surface with 2 binder clips. Holds travel brushes with straight tubes as well as most other round handled brushes. Rubber bands are replaceable. 

New design for 2024. Clips onto a flat surface such as a drawing board or sketch easel with 2 common binder clips. Holds travel brushes with straight tubes as well as thin handles and larger mop brush handles. Utilizes a simple rubber band and has a center hole to hold the tiny spray bottle from

This is one example of the brush holder used with a simple 1/4’ plywood board. It is clipped in place with common binder clips. The Kilimanjaro paper sketchbook is also clipped on. The small palette box is brass and uses a 3D printed “frame”  which is also clipped to the board. Under the board is a small block with a T-nut, allowing the board to be attached to a tripod.

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